Providing a Working Ranch With a Museum of Western Art

The Hitchcock Foundation
The Hitchcock Foundation is a non-profit private foundation established in 1983 to preserve the way of life of the Western ranch and the heritage of the American Cowboy by providing a working ranch with a museum of Western art.
The Hitchcock Foundation Board
Kurt McFarland
Daniel Samsill
Vice President
Jack Ingrao
Ranch Manager
Melanie Phelps
Randy Edwards
Kathryn Weaver
In Memoriam, Edward B. Hitchcock, 1932-2021
The Hitchcock Philosophy
Conserving the heritage of the American Cowboy
To preserve for all time, the way of life of the Western ranch and the heritage of the American cowboy and to
maintain the Lobo Ranch as a working ranch in perpetuity.
Keeping the Western way of life alive!
The Western Art Collection
The Hitchcock Foundation’s objective is to provide a suitable repository for the Western art collection of Ed Hitchcock that he has collected over the years. Ed has willed his Western art collection to the Hitchcock Foundation, and it is to be displayed in order that it may be enjoyed by the public in a true Western setting.